Customer Reviews

I fond same died plant but bunnycart send me refund. thanx bunnycart.i buy new plant soon by bunnycart.
Mohammad istiyak

I got this delivery on Sunday....i got awesum nd healthy fishes..pure and genuine breeds...plzz add more variety of fishes. Divyanshu Aggarwal, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra

Thou It was late while delivering my order but i understand that because of the previous order of other customers. They do called me and inform about the inconvenience. The best thing about "Bunnycart" customer services is they do their best to deliver the product in time or before the time frame. They also kept me update when the mailing time was changed. About the Shrimps now at first I thought that they have sent me the Ghost shrimp but later on they changed back to the actual color once they were introduced to the tank also the size was big than the others, they are doing great and were healthy. I am happy with the service will order more in future.

I had ordered for guppy fish this was my first order good experience with Bunnycart
Naresh Telang

The overall packaging was very good, keeping the plants moist till they reached home. They've come up well too, except one which is probably due to my overactive fishes. Happy with bunnycart, planning more orders soon...
Sujesh Nair

I was initially skeptical about how this will be delivered. The packaging was great and good instructions. Very happy and planning to buy more stuff. Keep it up guys, i am sure you can capture the bangalore market!!. Excellent from a cost and service point of view.