Customer Reviews

I ordered 7 aquatic plants. All the plants received are healthy and i am happy with the service by bunnycart. Awesome experience.
Ajit kumar singh

I ordered a batch of 30 neon tetras from Delhi. To my great pleasure all the fishes, except for two unfortunate ones, were alive and active when they arrived. The neons had no disease, fungus/itch etc. on them which is unlike in many fish store where neons are kept in terrible conditions and are infected (you can see small white or shiny spots on body and fins in such infected cases) and die in short time after bought. Mine from Bunnycart are all alive, no signs of any infection, eating healthily, have increased in size amazingly quickly, displaying bright colours and actively schooling in my heavily planted 60 gallon tank. Keep up the good work; will be ordering some cardinals and mountain minnows soon so hope you get their stock! Also please start a collection on different Rainbow fishes! Highly recommend this site.
sourindra ghosh

My order reached me 4 days ahead of the expected date of delivery, travelling approximately 3500 kms and that too in pefect condition... Amazing packaging and logistics .. Thank you.. Very happy Bunnycart's products and service.
Ranjan Choudhury

The site is totally awesome. The only problem with this site i felt is that the have a limited variety of aquatic plants. Please add some more new varieties. Thanx...
Siddharth sarkar

I have ordered 40 fishes and few plants, from the start the customer support was really excellent and they guided me what to do and what not to. Really helpful and they are prompt in answering to our queries, nice packing and healthy fishes. I would definitely recommend bunnycart to others and i will shop again soon. Thanks to Bunnycart team. Venugopal C K Bangalore, Karnataka
Venugopal C K

Hello Everyone it's a genuine review from my side, I had order plants from Bunnycart two times and both of the time I am happy with their service and plants quality. Thank you Bunnycart team
Adesh Jadhav