

Bacopa caroliniana

Bacopa Caroliniana


4.2 of 5
As low as ₹40.00
Hairgrass is available to buy in increments of 1


Overview: Native to North America, Hairgrass could be a wonderful addition to your freshwater tank. Due to its long leaves, it can be used as a background plant and enhance the appeal of your tank. Although when it comes to aquarium, ‘dwarf hairgrass’ is more popular as it is small in size and gives a carpet look to the tank, hairgrass has tall and thin leaves that look amazing when plated in the background. It is widespread across Europe, central and southeastern Asia, North America, and northeastern South America as far south as Ecuador.

Appearance: The name ‘hairgrass’ is given to this plant as it features long thin leaves that resemble thin hair and grows upright. The leaves grow taller and look good when grown as a background plant. It gives lush green color to the tank and makes it look very exotic. When you order hairgrass, you get 10 stems in one net pot that you can grow separately. With time, when the stems adjust to the new water environment, they start to flourish and make the background more attractive.

Hard/soft plant: Hairgrass is a medium hardy plant that can thrive well in diverse water conditions. The long pointed leaves can withstand little fluctuations from the ideal water parameters.

Ideal water temperature: Temperature within the range of 22 to 28 degrees Celsius is best for the growth of Hairgrass.

Lightening conditions: medium to bright light intensity will work well for Hairgrass.

Ideal pH level: The ideal pH level is from 5.5 to 7.

Do you know: Hairgrass can grow up to 75 cm tall. Therefore, it requires regular trimming to prevent outgrowing from the tank.  


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