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Alternanthera reineckii “Lilacina”

Alternanthera reineckii “Lilacina”

Lagenandra Meeboldii Green

4.5 of 5

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Overview: With the common name as Green Round Leaf Lagenandra, this plant looks more like a crypt. The beautiful leaves and the distinct colors make it one of the beautiful aquatic plants that one can grow in the aquarium. It is a swamp plant from southwestern India and can be seen growing naturally in the swampy or marshlands where the water level goes high during the monsoon.  The high water level acts as a catalyst in the growth of Lagenandra Meeboldii Green. It prefers to grow in permanently submerged in the aquariums. With its beautiful green leaves with a reddish tinge, it can be used as a solitary mid ground plant. Although undemanding, the plant has specific requirements to flourish.

Appearance: Lagenandra Meeboldii Green comes in different forms wherein there are different types of leaves with different shapes and colors. This variety has green leaves and gives an exotic look to the tank. With the right light and water conditions, it shows the best growth pattern in which the leaves attain the width of 4-8 cm and length of 6-12 cm. This way, the entire plant becomes relatively wide. With time, it forms a thick creeping rhizome and develops side shoots as well. The bright and big green heart-shaped leaves make it a perfect solitary mid ground plant. The different varieties show varying colors from dusty green with bright violet to red-violet tinges.

Hard/soft Plant: It is a soft mid ground plant.

Ideal water temperature: The ideal water temperature requirement is between 20 to 28 degree Celsius.

Lightening conditions: The plant prefers intense light to give the best color and growth. Along with strong lightening, a nutrient-rich substrate work wonders in promoting the growth of the plant. Moreover, supplying carbon dioxide and nutrient dosing also work in favor of the plant and improves growth.

Ideal pH level: pH should remain between 6 to 7 for optimum growth.

Do you know: The plant can be propagated by cutting off the daughter plants and planting in the substrate.


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