Author Archives: Mani

Melting of Aquarium Plants-All You Need to Know

Melting of Aquarium Plants

Have you ever wondered why the leaves of your aquarium plants are turning brown and translucent? This is the sign of melting of aquarium plant. Melting is one of the most common issues that aquarists face; therefore, we have come up with everything that you need to know about it. There could be multiple reasons […]

Grow These 7 Aquarium Plants with Cichlids Successfully

Grow These 7 Aquarium Plants with Cichlids Successfully

Aquarists who have cichlids in the tank know their behavior, which is aggressive and territorial. Due to this, it often becomes challenging to keep them with other fish and aquarium plants. However, if you love to add some greens to the tank with cichlids, fret not. This article will give information on some of the […]

Why are my aquarium plants turning transparent?

Why are my aquarium plants turning transparent

Have you ever noticed that the leaves of certain aquarium plants get too mushy and eventually turn transparent? Aquarium plants are in their best condition when they have healthy foliage with vibrant color. Until they look fresh and lively, there are chances that either the plants are infected or not getting enough nutrients to stay […]

Can Aquarium Plants Kill Fish: Busting Myths and Clearing Facts

Can Aquarium Plants Kill Fish Busting Myths and Clearing Facts

Live plants are added to aquariums for known benefits. There is a list of advantages your fish and tank setup enjoy when there are aquarium plants. However, when these plants are not taken care of, they may harm the fish in ways you would have never thought. So, the quick answer to the question, ‘Can […]

Aquarium Plants and Carbon Dioxide- Everything You Need to Know

Aquarium Plants and Carbon Dioxide- Everything You Need to Know

One of the most popular questions aquarists ask is- can aquarium plants grow without carbon dioxide? Is it really an investment one should make to maintain the health of aquarium plants? In this article, we will learn the role of CO2 in the life of aquarium plants to help you understand whether this gas is […]

Phosphates and Nitrates for Aquarium Plants

Phosphates and Nitrates for Aquarium Plants

Water consists of many minerals, among which nitrates and phosphates become a matter of concern when you are using it for your aquarium. While aquarium plants need these substances to prepare their food, in high concentrations, they become toxic to fish. It is when learning the art of balancing these minerals and various other compounds […]

Everything You Need to Know About Water Hardness in Aquarium

Everything You Need to Know About Water Hardness in Aquarium

Water hardness plays an important role in aquarium keeping. Besides parameters like temperature, pH, and ammonia, the amount of total dissolved minerals is equally crucial in determining how your plants and fish will respond. Any mineral above the normal value may disrupt the ideal range of water hardness. In this regard, how to soften aquarium […]