Aquarium fish

Five best centerpiece fish for your aquarium

Aquarists always struggle to find some of the best fish for their aquarium. While the beginners prefer to have fish…

6 years ago

Five fish not for the beginners

Newbies often wonder which fish should they pick for keeping in their aquarium and which fish could create difficulties. While…

6 years ago

Tips to keep fish happy and healthy inside the Aquarium

No matter which pet you like to have, making it happy, comfortable and providing a feeling of safety becomes your…

7 years ago

Handy aqua-scaping tips with larger fishes

  Neon tetras, Swordtails, and Harlequin rasboras are surely a delight to watch and everyone loves them. But, for many…

7 years ago

Livebearers: What aquarium hobbyists should know about them

Choosing the right fishes that are not only well suited as per the size of your aquarium, but also compatible…

8 years ago

5 Aquarium fishes that make amazing pets for your children


8 years ago

Why aquarium fishes make great pets for kids ?

Children who are raised with pets at home show a much higher EQ (emotional quotient) than kids who are raised…

8 years ago

Top 5 freshwater aquarium fishes for beginners

In our previous article, we have discussed the various medical benefits of having aquariums in our living space as well…

8 years ago