For building a peaceful community tank, the compatibility of fish is essential. Often, out of excitement, we end up stocking fish in our tanks that are not compatible with each other and to our tank’s conditions. It is a blunder that beginners could make. Therefore, choosing fish that get along with each other is important to build a community tank where fish are happy, stress-free and healthy.
Understanding fish compatibility
Fish compatibility is the ability of fish to coexist peacefully. While some fish species have a mild temperament and can be kept with other species, aggressive fish act better when kept alone. Therefore, when you select fish for your tank, check their behavioural pattern and know whether they are compatible with each other or not. The right combination of fish in the stock is the key to a healthy and peaceful community tank.
Now, the question is how to evaluate fish compatibility and on what factors it is determined. Fish compatibility can be discussed under three sections which are basically based on their temperament.
If we look at the features of this category of fish, they are generally small in size and can be kept in shoals with their own species. Make sure you keep them in groups of 4 to 6 fish for the best behaviour. It is because some of the fish in this category perform well when kept in groups but get aggressive and feel lonely when kept singly or in pairs.
At the same time, there should be plenty of hiding places in the tank where the peaceful fish species can retreat from aggressive tank mates and hide. If you have a large tank, you can keep multiple semi-aggressive fish together only if there are plenty of hiding spots like decorations and aquarium plants to break up sightlines. Semi-aggressive fish establish their own territory on the part of the tank. Therefore, if the tank is large enough, and each fish can create one, there will be no problem.
Since maintaining peace gets very difficult in aquariums that have aggressive and semi-aggressive fish, they are not recommended for new aquarists or beginners. Such fish often fight with other species for no reason and keep nudging them. It makes the other fish come under stress that affects their health and well-being. Sometimes fights between fish end up getting either the smaller or weaker fish injured or die.
What are the danger signs?
Now the question is how to know that your fish is under stress and it is because of some other fish species in the tank. Well, the behavioral pattern of a particular fish can easily tell whether it is happy or not. Some clear signs that can indicate stress or bullying include the following-
The fish also show some of these particular signs while mating. Therefore, you have to check your fish daily to see if they are showing some strange behavior. If you think a particular fish is getting bullied by the other one, it is best to separate them in different tanks.
How to stock the tank?
Before you buy the fish for your tank, you should-
Apart from these two important points, there are a few things that need consideration regarding your tank. You have to make sure that your fish are compatible with your tank as well. Here are a few things you should keep in mind that can help determine fish compatibility.
Final words: This is just an outline of some of the key considerations while stocking the fish tank. Detailed and thorough research is always key and critical that every aquarist should make before making a move. The three factors that need more attention by any aquarist are- getting risk-free combinations of fish, having the right size and dimensions of the tank and keeping the water parameters within the range. If you are following these three, there is no chance your fish will get into stress and fall sick. Make the right choice and enjoy our hobby.
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