Snails in Aquarium

Snails in Aquarium

While some find the sight of snails gross, some prefer putting them in their aquarium. Some aquarists like performing hit and trails while introducing different species in their tank. Although putting diverse kind of fish makes a good choice, the idea of snails accompanying the shoal is also not bad. However, at the same time, having a more in-depth insight into the physiology and behavior of the snails is very important.

Moreover, there could be chances of you witnessing an aquarium snail in your tank all of a sudden. If you are surprised as for how they arrived unexpectedly, snails are no magic. There could be the possibility of snail eggs in your tank which come along with the new fish you purchased from the store. They could also make a visit along with the live aquarium plants that you purchase.

If you are thinking to get rid of them, we’ll suggest you read the complete article as it deals with the pros and cons of having snails in an aquarium. Here we will also discuss whether they are worth keeping or not that will help you make your decision. Let’s find out!

Advantages of aquarium snails

Snails accompany fish and give them an excellent company 

The most interesting fact with aquarium snails is they can dwell with different kinds of fish sans any hassle. They get along with them, mingle pretty well and create no fuss. While it could be really confusing to decide which fish should be clubbed together, snails have no such issue. Moreover, unlike fish that may harm each other out of competition and aggressive behavior, snails prefer living in peace.

Snails eradiate algae from the tank

The problem of algae in aquariums is not new. These annoying algae can come in different forms and create harm to the fish in different ways. In addition to that, they also alter the aesthetic of the aquarium. Getting rid of algae is real trouble. However, once you have snails in the tank, algae become the thing of past.

Snails love to feed on algae. In fact, it is an excellent food for them. Although snails will not be able to eat all of the algae, they will certainly reduce their number or quantity. So snails make a great choice for aquarists who are not very much interested in regularly cleaning their aquarium.

Snails feed on the leftover food

After removing the algae, snails, being your partner in cleaning, eats up the leftover foods as well. Snails love to munch on the leftovers which prevent the tank from getting dirty. Most of the times, fish leaves some of their feed, which creates nuisance in the tank in several ways. Harboring harmful bacteria, such leftovers are advised to remove regularly.

If you have snails, you can eliminate this task as they feed upon the leftover food and prevent the water from getting hazy and dirty due to it. Snails move around the tank to find such spare food particles to gulp them. Sometimes they even dig up the floor to find deeply embedded food particles.

Snails keep the walls of the tank clean

Another way snails contribute in cleaning is by moving through the walls of the tank and eating the algae and other slime things coming through the way. Often snails make trips up and down through the tank’s wall. They eat the algae and other food particles on the walls.

While snails do not assure a complete cleaning of the walls, they reduce your cleaning chore to some extent. They keep maintenance low and help you have a clear aquarium’s walls.

Snails are fun to watch

These slow movers are really fun to watch. While the fish swirls and swims randomly, unpredictably and sometimes in a zig-zag motion, the snails crawl slowly, creating a funny contrast in the tank. Snails are really entertaining and loved by kids. Their slow movement allows you to watch how they eat food and clean up the algae.

Disadvantages of aquarium snails 

Snails multiply very fast

Reproducing and multiplying quickly is one of the disadvantages that drive back people to have snails in their tank. It is advised to have not more than one or two snails in the tank. If their population rise, the chances of it rising even more in the coming few days increases as well. Not just the sight of too many snails will be awful; they will also take the space of fish to swim and move around.

Moreover, too many snails mean too much waste product. While one or two snails help in cleaning, with too many of them, you have to clean daily. Also, the overall look of the tank will not remain pleasant anymore. Therefore timely removal of snails is necessary as removing when they are too many get troublesome as well.

Snails may come out of the tank

Snails, although slowly, move on the walls of the tank and try to climb outside. It is one of the greatest advantages of having them in the aquarium. While fish try the same but it is a rare case. On the other hand, snails are skilled to do such activities. If the tank is not covered properly, the chances of seeing your snail coming out get very high.

Since they can survive without water as well, snails might move around your house freely. You don’t want to see that, right? Therefore, if you are planning to have snails, make sure the tank has a hood. A hood has more advantages than just preventing the snails from coming out.

Snails can munch upon your live plants

Believe me, but you have to choose one among snails and aquarium plants. Snails tend to eat the plants, and some of the aquatic plants are their favorite food. They can give a hard time to the plants you have decorated in your tank.

Snails create holes in the leaves of the plants by eating them abruptly. Although some fish also do the same, it happens in rare cases, and you can still avoid them. However, with snails, plants with holes will become common and definitely not something pleasant to watch.

Final Thoughts 

Although the pros of having snails overshadow the cons, having snails in the aquarium should be your personal choice. Before introducing them, make sure you are well aware of the harms they can create for your fish and plants. Fun to watch and highly entertaining, aquarium snails are one of the choices you could make to have a diverse aquarium.

Aquarium Plants
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