Taiyo Turtle food, 45g

Taiyo Turtle food, 45g

Aura healthy betta

Aura healthy betta, 25g

Taiyo High Nutritious Food for All Aquarium Fish, 100g

  • Suitable for fry, small fish, shrimps, and adult fish
  • Rich in Vitamin C and E
  • Promotes growth and strengthen the immunity
  • Keep the fish healthy, active, and in a good shape
  • Brightens the color ad give lustrous skin to the fish
Taiyo High Nutritious Food for All Aquarium Fish

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Taiyo High Nutritious Food is a complete and balanced diet for all aquarium fish. When fed regularly, the fish attain good health and body shape. Since this fish food comprises every essential vitamin and minerals required by the fish, it is perfect for all. The fish gets vibrant and lustrous skin and looks more attractive and appealing due to the presence of Spirulina. The best part is it doesn’t make the water cloudy or fouling.

It is a floating type of fish food, which is suitable for all aquarium fish. It is perfect for Goldfish, Fancy Craps, Swordtails, Platies, Mollies, Angelfish, Cichlids, Anabantids, and Bettas. With its high nutrient composition, Taiyo High Nutritious Food is the best food you can feed your pets in the tank.

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