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Red Tuxedo Guppy

Red Tuxedo Guppy
Red Tuxedo Guppy is available to buy in increments of 1

Overview: Known for its vibrant red color, the Red Tuxedo Guppy is one of the popular freshwater fish that aquarists love to have in their aquariums. The distinctive color pattern makes it extremely attractive for any tank. It got its name 'Tuxedo' due to the presence of a black or dark-colored body with markings in bright red and orange, resembling a tuxedo suit. Red Tuxedo Guppy is an interesting species of fish, perfect for every freshwater aquarium.

Habitat and Distribution: Guppies are native to the tropical regions of Central and South America. It can be widely found in regions like Venezuela, Trinidad, and parts of Brazil. The Red Tuxedo Guppy, like other guppy variations, thrives in freshwater environments. In the wild, they typically inhabit slow-moving streams, ponds, and marshes with plenty of vegetation.

Appearance: Red Tuxedo Guppy is popular mainly because of its stunning appearance. The contrasting colors on the body are what makes this species of guppy very interesting. The body is usually a light to mid-tone silver or pale color with a black "tuxedo" marking across the back, and the tail is a brilliant red or orange. Usually, the male fish of this species is smaller and more colorful than females. On the contrary, the females are typically larger and more subdued in color. The red color is more pronounced in the male Red Tuxedo Guppies.

Temperature: Red Tuxedo Guppy is a tropical freshwater fish; therefore, the ideal temperature range for it is between 22°C to 28°C. It's important to maintain consistent water temperature to keep them healthy and stress-free.

Water Conditions: The ideal water condition for red tuxedo guppy is with pH 7 to 8.5. Generally, this fish is hardy and adaptable to a variety of water conditions but do best in stable, clean environments. It is essential that you perform regular water changes to keep the water clean and fish healthy. The guppy also prefers well-oxygenated water, so good filtration is important.

Breeding: Red tuxedo guppies are livebearers. It implies that these fish give birth to their live young ones and don't lay eggs. It is easy for these species to reproduce in home aquariums. The males will often chase the females and display their colors to attract them. After mating, female guppies carry the fertilized eggs internally for about 21-30 days, after which they give birth to 20-40 fry. If you intend to breed a Red tuxedo guppy, a separate breeding tank is recommended. It will prevent the fries from being eaten by the adult fish.

Feeding: Guppies are omnivores and will happily eat a wide variety of foods. You can give them high-quality flake foods, frozen or live foods like brine shrimp or daphnia, and even plant matter. It is it's important to feed them small amounts multiple times a day rather than overfeeding at once. Ree tuxedo guppies are fond of microalgae, which they may nibble on in the tank.

Lifespan: Usually, Red tuxedo guppies live for 2 to 3 years, especially when the water conditions are ideal for their health. If the water quality is poor or the fish are malnourished, they may die earlier. Proper care and a stable environment can help them live longer and healthier.

Do you know: Male guppies are often more colorful than females, which is due to their role in mating displays. Also, guppies are known to breed rapidly and can quickly populate an aquarium if not properly managed. They also have a unique characteristic in that they can interbreed with different guppy strains, resulting in a wide variety of color and pattern morphs.

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