Red Tuxedo Guppy

Red Tuxedo Guppy

Srilankan Snow White Guppy

Size: 1 inch

Qty: Price mentioned is for single fish

Note: If you order 2 qty of a specific variety , then you will receive 1 male and 1 female. If you order 5 qty of a specific variety, then you will receive 2 male and 2 female and the last one will be based on availability.

Srilankan Snow White Guppy
Srilankan Snow White Guppy is available to buy in increments of 1

Overview: Out of so many guppies, the Sri Lankan Snow White is a unique and mesmerizing fish species that you would love to have in your tank. As the name indicates, it features a white translucent body, which creates a striking contrast against other guppy types and colorful aquarium plants in the aquarium. The beauty of Sri Lankan Snow White Guppy is its delicate look and aesthetic appearance, making it ideal for any tank. From the snow-white color to the aesthetically pleasing features and hardy nature, everything about Sri Lankan Snow White Guppy is special, making it a beginner-friendly fish.

Habitat and Distribution: Sri Lankan Snow White Guppy is native to Sri Lanka and can be seen in various freshwater bodies such as slow-moving rivers, streams, ponds etc. They easily adapt in tropical environment with abundant vegetation, which provides both shelter and food sources. Due to their popularity, Sri Lankan Snow White Guppy can be easily found in home aquariums.

Appearance: The body of Sri Lankan Snow White Guppy is pale white with the hues of silver, often with a subtle iridescence. Male guppies typically exhibit more vibrant coloration with bright fins, while females have a more subdued coloration. The tail fin may feature slight tinges of color or patterns. Usually, the size of this fish is small, reaching not more than 2.5 or 3 cm in length in males and 4 cm in females.

Temperature: The ideal temperature range for Sri Lankan Snow White Guppy to thrive is between 24 and 28 degrees Celsius. They are tropical fish, so they require a stable, warm environment to maintain their health and vibrant appearance. Sudden temperature fluctuations can stress the fish, leading to potential health issues.

Water Conditions: Sri Lankan Snow White Guppy prefers slightly alkaline to neutral water conditions, with a pH level ranging between 7.0 and 8.0. Regrading water hardness, they do well in soft to moderately hard water. Clean water with proper filtration will ensure health and vigour of the fish.

Breeding: Sri Lankan Snow White Guppy is a livebearer, meaning it gives birth to fully-formed fry instead of laying eggs. Female guppies carry the fertilized eggs inside their bodies for about 21 to 30 days before giving birth to the young. To encourage breeding, provide plenty of plants or hiding spots for the fry to avoid predation by the adults.

Feeding: Guppies are omnivorous, which means they readily accept a variety of foods, including high-quality flake food, pellets, live foods like brine shrimp or daphnia, and vegetables such as spinach or zucchini. It’s important to provide a balanced diet to ensure the fish remain healthy and vibrant.

Lifespan: The average lifespan of a Sri Lankan Snow White Guppy is 2 to 3 years. With proper care, including a well-maintained aquarium, good water quality, and a nutritious diet, some guppies may live longer, though they are generally short-lived compared to other aquarium species.

Do you know: The Snow White Guppy is particularly sought after for its distinct appearance and is often used in aquascaping and breeding programs to create unique color variations.

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