5 Easy Aquarium Plants for the Beginners

What makes an aquarium complete? Is it only the fish in the water and a few décor pieces?

Well, it is true that an aquarium is meant for the fish, but if there is no aquarium plant, there will always be a major missing. The most interesting fact is these plants not only endow an appealing look to the aquarium but have lots of other pros as well. To count few, aquarium plants impart the desired oxygen to the fish and maintain the oxygen level in the water. Other than this, they absorb the carbon dioxide as well as nitrate that the fish generate.

So if you are a new aquarist and don’t have much insight about the same, the content below will help manifolds. Here we will discuss some easy aquarium plants growing which doesn’t require much hassle. They are not only easy to grow and maintain but also beauty the aquarium to a great extent.

1. Vallisneria: Vallisneria is one of those aquarium plants that need no special attention yet flourish magnificently. It is a plant with no particular needs and can be grown by any new aquarist. It is long growing eelgrass that grows up to the height of 6 feet if given the space. It feeds the substrate and the water column. Therefore it is advised that if you have a Vallisneria, you must add liquid fertilizer to your aquarium. Using roots tabs for adding nutrition to the substrate is also a great idea.

P.S: You will experience that Vallisneria takes little time to adjust in the substrate. However, once settled it starts multiplying rapidly and give a bushy jungle look to your aquarium.

2. Amazon Swords: The plant gets its name from the look which is more like a sword. From the lush green leaves to the strong roots, everything makes it feasible to use by the beginners. It is one of those aquarium plants that require fertilizers in abundance. It fulfills the need of nutrients from the substrate; therefore, a constant supply of fertilizers becomes essential. Root tabs also make an excellent option to consider.

P.S: You may experience that your Amazon sword plant gets melted after adding to the tank. It is because it was thriving in the open before you made the purchase. However, once it adjusts to being submerged, it will attain its normal growth under water as well.

3. Anubias: This plant looks very adorable and gives an exotic look to the aquarium. They are slow growers, and this could be one possible reason for you to pick it up. They take their own time to grow, and you may live in peace without thinking about their care and maintenance. Another great thing about the plant which makes it perfect for new aquarists is its hardiness. So if you are not willing to add much fertilizer in your aquarium yet want the plant to flourish, Anubias could be your final choice.

P.S: It is a great low-light plant and hardy enough that it can be a challenge to kill it.

4. Cryptocoryne: Also called as crypts, they are another ideal plant for the beginners. Easy to grow as well as maintain they don’t require many calculations to thrive well. The growth of the plant is such that it creates an amazing foreground or midground ambiance in the aquarium. Crypts act sensitively when the environment changes drastically. The alteration in water chemistry such as a change in pH, water chemicals or temperature could create a temporary shock to the plant.

P.S: Crypts are prone to melting. As soon as they submerge in the water in the aquarium, the leaves could melt. However, it takes some time to recover and adjust to the water chemistry. Once settled it takes no time to flourish all over again.

5. Pogostemon stellatus Octopus: If you crave for a jungle like a look for your aquarium, Pogostemon stellatus could help. If these plants are allowed to overgrow they can cover up the entire aquarium with their bushy growth. If you have added fertilizers in the aquarium, the plant will thrive and take the growth more frequently.

P.S: The leaves are fine which makes a perfect hiding spot for the fish which are timid in nature.

So these are some of the best plants which can be explored by those who are new in the business of keeping the aquarium and thinking about adding few aquarium plants in it. They are easy to propagate, grow and keep. Low maintenance is their plus point, and this is the reason why you may choose them to include in your little water eco-system.

Aquarium plants will not only add to the beautification of your aquarium but also make the environment inside healthy. No wonder fish will thank you for adding them to their living space.

Aquarium Plants
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2 thoughts on “5 Easy Aquarium Plants for the Beginners

  1. Sumesh mahendra says:

    I have just started my aquarium.I have 3 feet tank.what plants to grow.I have put substrate and sand mix but my plants not growing it becomes brown and alge how to grow please help me.

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