Guide to keeping a Nano Aquarium at your home

Nano Aquarium

The definition of Nano tanks surpasses than being just a small fish tank. It is, in fact, an independent compact ecosystem that you can have at the comforts of your home. Nano tanks are specifically designed to allow a small ecosystem to grow within a small space. They have a few requirements such as plants and fishes that have stunted growth to be accommodated inside them. They also need compact lighting system and filtration equipment. Challenging it may be, but at the same time immensely satisfying which, explains why Nano tanks are slowly gaining vast popularity worldwide. If you are an aquarium hobbyist who loves to take on new challenges and experiment, you possibly can’t miss on experiencing a Nano tank.

The checklist you need to keep in mind before planning to set up a Nano aquarium includes the following:


Interior decoration: Nano aquariums are not just popular among hobbyists, their appeal has encompassed in the world of interior decoration. From swanky restaurants and offices to humble abodes Nano tanks can transform any nook and corner or shelf in a jiffy. Care must be taken to invest in the right fishes, plants, and equipment for their proper functioning. Fishes should not outgrow the tank, plants, and corals you select must not be very dense so as to cramp up space and equipment must be of high quality that works even in low volumes of water.


Filtration equipment: As these Nano aquariums are slowly gaining popularity, maintaining them is also getting easier, thanks to the readily available requisite equipment in the market. In fact, many pet stores and aquarium suppliers are selling Nano tank kits, which, also includes the tank as well to help you get started. Larger aquariums can store large volumes of water and are thus susceptible to a higher degree of wastes and toxins. Nano tanks, on the other hand, will have a lower deposit of wastes and lesser requirement of cleaning. Care must be taken to invest in only supreme quality filtration equipment because low water volume and higher concentration together may create havoc on your Nano ecosystem if filtration does not work well. Canister filters and mini in-tank filters are supposedly the best for Nano tanks and are easily available at most pet shops.

Lighting and heating: LED lights are the best option for Nano tanks. Since smaller fish tanks are prone to incur heat fluctuations, which is why heating is also an important aspect. Mini- submersible heaters and inline heaters are readily available in most pet shops and are ideal for Nano tanks. Make sure it is of the right size that fits inside your aquarium.

A Nano tank is ideal for aquarium hobbyists who just want to experiment with new trends or just wants to push the envelope further and take up a challenge. Use it in your living spaces and see how it enlivens any space in an instant. Aquariums have a host of health benefits too that we have already covered in our previous article. This article has given you a fair idea of what all you need to have your very own Nano ecosystem.

Aquarium Plants
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