Myths associated with planted tanks

Myths associated with planted tanks

Having your aquarium is nothing but a luxury. Seeing the little creatures floating in a carefree way in the water gives ultimate delight to the eyes. While some people are a hobbyist and thereby own aquarium, some keep it to provide the room with a lively décor. No matter what the reason is for having the aquarium, maintaining it could become difficult at times.

The new aquarium owners do not have a fair idea about the upkeep of the fish, aquatic plants and aquarium. Therefore, seeking advice from outside seems feasible to them. But many times the wrong advice left them being more frustrated than happy.

A large number of myths are associated with aquarium and its maintenance. Therefore, here we have tried to separate the fact from the fiction to help the new aquarium holders. Check them out!

Plants need soft water

This is one of the biggest myths which is told by all. Every plant has its requirements. While some love to thrive in the soft water, some can flourish easily in the hard water as well. Vallisneria which is also known as wonder plant among the hobbyists can blossom in hard water easily.

Some of the most demanding plant’s species can also grow well in the tanks comprising hard water. You might need to supplement extra CO2 in some cases.

Heater cables are a must for planted tanks

Heater cables are expensive and add to your budget. Your aquarium and the plants inside can thrive easily without the heater cables as well. In some cases, they are advised not to use at all. As per the studies the heater cables tend to leach the nutrients.

Therefore if you are thinking to splurge on a heater cable then dropping the idea would be great. Instead, investing in good filters along with quality substrate will fetch better results.

Including Algae eaters would help in solving algae problems

The production of algae is natural in the aquarium. Some aquarists might find algae unwanted, but many times they contribute to giving a natural look to your little water eco-system. People incorporate algae eaters in the aquarium to keep algae in the bay.

Adding algae eaters is feasible only to limit the background levels of algae. Sometimes incorporating too many algae could create more issues rather than solving. The waste produced by them could cause a lot of mess inside the aquarium.

The aquarium must have low water turnover

Aquariums comprising low energy setups are the only one which works perfectly with low water turnover. A lower level of lightning and nutrients level are other aspects where low water turnover works perfectly. As per the research, the tanks which comprise aquatic plants flourish well with higher levels of circulation.

Also when we talk about the fishes, each one of them requires a different level of flow. Therefore a deep insight into their requirement before the set-up is essential rather than following the regular advice.

Ample of light is needed by the plants

Photoperiod is indeed a matter of consideration concerning plants, but again every plant has its own set of requirements. Generally, on a broader aspect, T8 fluorescents with reflectors work well with wide range of plants. Plants that are very demanding survive well with two T5 in the tank.

Hair grass carpet can be maintained for seven hours of photoperiod and with one T5. It is not advisable to exceed the photoperiod for more than eight hours in case of aquarium plants. Keeping it in level could help in reducing the maintenance and the excess requirement of fertilizers.

Planted tanks do not require surface agitation

Keeping the aquarium still could be more dangerous than useful. So, this fact is completely untrue. The surface agitation has many benefits which are also essential for great upkeep of the tank’s ecosystem. While the tank is agitated the level of oxygen maintains in the water.

One can provide the desired movement of the surface with the help of filter outlet or power head. To keep a good supply of oxygen in the tank agitation becomes crucial.

Hi-tech approach is not required

It is true that there are many aquatic plants which are easy to maintain and grow in the aquarium. Plants like Java Fern, Crypts, Vallisneria, Amazon Swords are all those who do not require too much attention. But if you are willing to dedicate some of the time to grow plants like Glossostigma elatinoides or Hemianthus callitrichids the need of approaching the hi-tech methodologies would become essential.

These are the high demanding plants but also contribute to giving the aquarium an exotic look.

Specialist plant growth tubes are a must

If you are willing to provide different colors to your aquarium, you can splurge on any specialist plant growth tube. They come in different colors among which fluorescent tubes are considered ideal to provide natural rendition. But again these are not a necessity.

There is no need to spend on these expensive plant growth tubes until your planted tank looks perfectly natural with the hues of leaves and stems of the plants.

You can’t maintain a flawless aquarium for longer

This is again one of those negative thoughts given by people which are enough to make you feel disheartened. But, on the contrary, maintaining a pristine nature of the aquarium for more than a year or even longer is possible. All that is required proper maintenance and being consistent and regular in up keeping the plants and fish inside it.

The use of right equipment and the implementation of proper techniques would indeed help you maintain your aquarium for a more extended period.

Causes of algae development are the presence of nitrates and phosphates

This is one of those statements which remain under controversy. Different aquarists have a different opinion about the theory. While some believe that influx of too many fertilizers and especially the nitrates and phosphates while elevating the algae growth, some rule out it completely.

But it is believed that adding the apt dose of both these nutrients would only do well to the tank, and there wouldn’t be excessive algae growth.

Aquarium Plants
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